Free Webinar Replay
Superpowers for ADHD Children

Expert Parenting Strategies for Undoing the Damage Caused by
Covid Lockdowns and Online “Learning”
Covid Lockdowns and Online “Learning”
Over a year of lockdowns and lack of in-person schooling have harmed our children. Mental health issues have skyrocketed. Problems with focus, learning and behaviour have multiplied.
Kids with ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities have been the hardest hit. How to recover is a big question mark many parents face.
Parents are asking themselves: What can I do with my child now, during the summer months, to restore their sanity, strengthen their skills, and build their resilience?
Free Webinar Replay
Superpowers for ADHD Children

Expert Parenting Strategies for Undoing the Damage Caused by
Covid Lockdowns and Online “Learning”
Covid Lockdowns and Online “Learning”
Over a year of lockdowns and lack of in-person schooling have harmed our children. Mental health issues have skyrocketed. Problems with focus, learning and behaviour have multiplied.
Kids with ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities have been the hardest hit. How to recover is a big question mark many parents face.
Parents are asking themselves: What can I do with my child now, during the summer months, to restore their sanity, strengthen their skills, and build their resilience?