Brain Boosting Games for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities
Playing with your child is a great way to spend family bonding time while helping them develop their brain. The following list are some of the games that our staff and clients recommend.
Simon Swipe
You can actually download an app that mimics this classic toy. The hands-on version is great for boosting auditory processing, which in turn boosts language skills.

Bop It and Bop It XT
These games are great for boosting brain speed, auditory processing, motor planning, reaction time and the fact is.. they are FUN! For the older or more coordinated kids, get the XT. It’s pricey but it’s much more challenging AND it has earphones so parents don’t go nuts from the noise.

This multiple award-winning card game boosts working memory and visual processing and it’s lots of fun to play. Parents typically enjoy it as much as their kids, and find it just as challenging.

The Classics
Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Chess, Othello, Connect Four, Pictureka, I Spy, Etch-a-Sketch, Boggle, Battleships … anything to get them thinking in their spare time.

Armadillo Run
This is an oldie but goldie – it’s a Windows software download for the desktop, absolutely free, brilliant for your creative engineer type kid. Very simple to impossibly challenging.

Rush Hour/Rush Hour Jr
A great visual-spatial problem solver – from easy to hard – and hands on.

Brain Beat
Don’t let the consumer electronics presentation fool you. This hardware/software ‘game’ system is bonafide brain training in a box. Scientifically developed, medically endorsed, good value at $249 US and (oops) only available in the US. Anybody going to Buffalo? For more info you can visit the Brain Beat Website.

Settlers of Catan
A great strategy game – addictive like Risk and Monopoly but adds a level of negotiation and socializing that’s really fun for family and friends.

The Maxi Mind Brain Training Program™
Learn more about the Maxi Mind Brain Training™ Program and discover how it provides a natural treatment for ADHD, and also helps children with Autism, or provides a learning skills boost for kids that need some extra help.