Your Guide Form Has Been Submitted

We’ve sent the link to download our Summer Guide to the email address you provided.

If you don’t see the email make sure to check your spam folder and if you have any trouble getting the guide please feel free to reach out to Mark at [email protected]

Help Get Them School Ready

Now that your “get you through the summer guide,” is on the way, here at Maxi Mind we can also be the “get your child ready for the first day of school” people too.

Our customized brain training services designed for children who might have challenges transitioning, focusing and self-regulating, which are proven effective and fun, can be the perfect back to school primer.

To hear about how our programs can be of specific benefit to your child, please fill the form below and one of our specialists will be happy to contact you.

Discover how you can help unlock your child’s potential

Simply fill in the form below to be contacted for a free consultation.

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As a health professional and counselor who works with children but more importantly as a mother with two daughters and a son who went through your program, I give my full endorsement to the Maxi Mind program.

Ora Stebben RHN, NNCP Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Maxi Mind Mother