Maxi Mind’s
Neuro-Educational Therapist Training and Certification Course
South Florida Course
What is Neuroplasticity?
We need to start here because most people, including many doctors and scientists, are 50 years out of date regarding their understanding of how the brain works.
We used to believe that from childhood on, you could only lose brain cells, not increase them. You had a fixed brain map that couldn’t change. And your neural networks could only get weaker.
None of that is true. Brain cells can regenerate, Brain maps can be dynamic, and neural networks can get stronger.
A Neural network is a system of information superhighways in the brain that enable the higher functions such as setting and attaining goals, academic learning, self-control, communication and social skills.
For children with ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia, those networks are weaker than in neurotypicals. Back in the day, the only options were to compensate for the deficits, with classroom accommodations or medication, and so on, that never address the cause of the problem.
Today, we know better. And Maxi Mind Learning has leveraged the power of Neuroplasticity to create a protocol that has a 90% success rate in improving those higher functions both short term and long term.
What is Maxi Mind Learning?
Maxi Mind Learning is a Brain Training System. Like any system it has many elements and because it’s an activity based system designed for children, it has to be very flexible and adaptable to accommodate the fact that no two children are alike.
Maxi Mind uses a “focus-through-fun” methodology that combines movement, music and technology, with a personal trainer for each child. Children get 50-minute sessions, two or three times a week, for an average of 40 sessions.
The child’s trainer is called a Neuro-educational Therapist, or Brain Training Coach. That’s the role you will be training for. The basic elements of the system are pictured below.
There are 5 core elements and 4 peripheral components. The summer training will cover each of these in detail and how it fits together.
What’s the Proof That it Works?
You can use the same rules of proof that you might want to use for any other claim in the marketplace. What do customers say? What do experts say? What’s the track record? What does the data say?
Maxi Mind was in development from 2002 to 2009. It launched as a company in 2010. To date over 2,000 children have used our system with 90% success. This is based on psychometric measures, academic measures, behavioral measures, and ratings on social media.
Each element in our tech toolkit has been developed by highly acclaimed scientific and medical experts with many years of proven success. Much of our business in Canada is driven by referral from satisfied customers, teachers and school principals, psychologists, and top tier Canadian experts in pediatrics, children’s rehabilitation, and autism treatment.
Most of these proofs are readily available by reviewing the website.
But of course, for a coach, real proof lies in a parents’ tears of joy and relief, a child’s rapid progress from milestone to milestone, and the annual cards and gifts that clients often give in their continued gratitude to their Maxi Mind Coach for making all the difference in the life of their child.
What Will This Training Do For Me?
This training provides highly curated knowledge, hands on experience, and accreditation in one of the hottest fields in Neuroplasticity – treating the child with a learning disorder.
This is valuable for the parent that wants to apply their newfound knowledge in coaching their own children.
It’s valuable for the teacher that wants to better understand their special needs student and what kinds of interventions to recommend to help them.
It’s valuable for the therapist or want-to-be therapist who wants to work independently with clients and their families.
And it’s valuable for the Coach who wants their brain training practice supported by the Maxi Mind team so that others can handle the marketing, sales, admin, and tech etc., etc., while they focus on how to make all the difference in the life of a child, and get paid for it.
What Does the Training Inlude?
Each one week training includes:
- A printed course outline and digital learning materials.
- 8 hours (2h x 4 days) of in-class instruction, both theoretical and practical.
- 4 hours (1h x 4 days) of in-class informal supervised practice and discussion.
- 3 hours (1h x 3 months) of post course personal time of Dr. Gotfryd to help you get established with your child / your clientele / employment with Maxi Mind.
- A sensory integration toolkit to take home (balance board, bean bags, playbook).
- Post-course access to Maxi Mind’s supplemental and advanced coach resources.
A signed and framed certificate of completion as a Neuroeducational Therapist.
What Does it Cost?
The all-inclusive cost of training is $997, which is due only upon Registration. If the training is cancelled by Maxi Mind Learning for whatever reason (other than Act of G-d (the insurance term)), Maxi Mind will refund the registration fee in full. Otherwise, refunds are at Maxi Mind Learning’s sole discretion.
What Are My Next Steps
- Fill the application form below.
- Wait patiently 🙂 while Maxi Mind prepares its best option for you.
- Receive an offer for a suitable time and place of training.
- Accept the offer by registering online with payment.
Receive preliminary study materials. Study about us on our website