Coach Training – Session Record Reports
We have recently launched two new functions: (1) Upgraded session records, and (2) Session record reports.
There is a separate training on what the new and improved session records are all about and how to fill them in Coach’s Corner of the App. If you have not done so yet, please watch those videos first. To find the videos, go to Coach’s Corner > Session Records 2.0 > Introduction.
This document is about the session report that automatically gets emailed to the client after you check <submit> on your session record. Clients get a report by email that looks something like this:
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: December-07-19 5:26 PMTo: [email protected]Subject: [Maxi Mind] Session Report | Sat, Nov 30 – #5
Child’s Name:Cadabra, AbraCoach’s Name:JannaSession #:5Date:Sat, Nov 30, 9:30 AM
Zone of Regulation:Alert, Engaged
Sensory Integration Performance:Scale: Weak • Fair • Good • Strong
Balance: StrongPosture: GoodCoordination: StrongVisual: GoodAuditory: GoodMidlines: Strong
Music Therapy:Fully engaged
Focusing Skills Trained:Working MemorySocial Skills
Special Achievement:Today Abra learned that if things are not going well he does not need to get frustrated and can use breathing to calm down.
Note to Parents:Have a great vacation. I will see you on January 2, 2020. Happy New Year!
The new session records are only being rolled out for new clients. You will continue to use the old records for the old clients.
We’ve been reviewing the session record reports over the past couple of weeks, and we feel it’s important to emphasize a few points so that communication is good between client and coach:
Timing – session records should be submitted the night following the session or the next day. Parents don’t want to miss reports for a week or two and then get 3 or 4 at once.
Completion – all applicable fields should be filled. Maxi Mind needs ALL the data, plus If you omit certain ones, there will be blanks in the report and parents will wonder why. Even if the answer is N/A, select that.
Sensory Integration Performance – Maxi Mind kids are generally not neurotypical. When you do exercises with them, we want you to mentally compare them to a neurotypical child around that same age. E.g., “Fair” means somewhat less proficient than a typical child.
Special Achievement
- There should be a combination of quality and quantity in these comments. Qualitative means what type of skill is it and quantitative means is it more, better, faster, more accurate, etc.
- Present your comment in a positive manner – e.g., don’t say that they are not so loud or not so careless. Say their tone of voice is more controlled or he’s taking greater care with the details.
- Use only complete words, not abbreviations or initials, eg balance board, not BB
- Do not mention numerical scores or game levels when commenting on Play Attention successes. Eg, you can say, played for much longer or got higher scores on Attention Stamina, or attention levels have gone up a lot.
- Don’t write the names of exercises. Instead, explain. Eg, instead of better sparring, write ‘better precision and accuracy when hitting the pendulum ball’.
- Be specific. Instead of Great progress, write Great progress following verbal directions.
Note to Parents – Don’t write about an achievement, that’s the previous section. Here can be reminders, greetings, references to home strategies, etc.
You’ve done the learning, now take the quiz 🙂
Coach Training Quiz – Session Records & Reports