Maxi Mind Learning – Brain Training for Success

Maxi Mind Learning provides Brain Training Courses which are a drug-free solution for focus, learning and self-regulation problems. Each course is customized and personalized in one-on-one sessions with a Maxi Mind trained and certified neuro-educational therapist – a brain training coach.

Each session consists of a unique blend of Sensory Integration Exercises, Engineered Listening, and Computerized Focus Training. The activities are fun for the child, yet powerful for his brain development. And with over a 90% success rate on 500 courses delivered over the last several years, the results speak for themselves.

After completing the Maxi Mind Program, 90% of children improve in:

✓ Attention and Concentration
✓ Working Memory and Recall
✓ Reading and Writing – Speed and Quality
✓ Executive Functions
✓ Emotional Regulation
✓ Social Skills

With better skills, children become happier and more successful in all areas of life. Instead of falling farther and farther behind, their lives can completely turnaround.

Help your child gain that extra boost this school year by enrolling in a Maxi Mind Program today.

Getting Started

To get started share your story in the form below to get a free consultation at which we will provide a clear picture of how we can help, and what would be involved on your part to get this life-changing boost in focusing, learning and self-control for your child.

Discover how you can help unlock your child’s potential