It’s easy to remember that first moment you thought your child may have ADHD. Unwanted thoughts of various possibilities and the new challenges you will now face all start running through your head. But before panic sets in it’s important to understand the facts when it comes to ADHD in children. The following statistics are provided by the Stats Canada website regarding ADHD. And can be a useful guide in understanding the likelihood of having a child with ADHD, and the challenge you may face if it happens.
“Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, and is one of the most common mental health conditions in children.”
In fact, more than 5% of school children have ADHD. What this means is that if your child has ADHD; you know that you are not alone. Many parents are dealing with this issue and there are a variety of options to improve the skills and behaviour of your child. Maxi Mind itself, in the last few years has helped hundreds of children that are challenged by ADHD.
“Boys are three times more likely to develop ADHD than girls.”
If you have a boy, then you should pay special attention as he is developing to determine if he has any of the signs or symptoms of ADHD. Visit this helpful article if you’re unsure of what are the ADHD signs and symptoms in children.
“Symptoms of ADHD usually arise between the ages of three and five but are typically most prominent in the elementary school grades and often persist throughout adulthood.”
If you pay attention to your child, you can pick up on signs of ADHD early on. This allows you to start addressing the issue before it becomes a bigger problem. The longer a child is in school while lacking focus and attention, the further they can fall behind resulting in a greater effort required to catch back up. If you think that your child may have ADHD, then it’s best to start looking into it with a free assessment instead of waiting to see if more signs show up.
“In fact, approximately 75% of cases will continue to have the diagnosis through adolescence, and over half of the cases continue into adulthood”
One of the most common myths about ADHD is that parents believe that their child will grow out of it. Based on this data we see that many children with ADHD grow up with it and don’t grow out of it. This means that you can’t just rely on waiting it out, or worse using medication or other treatment that just tries to put a Band-Aid on the problem.
The best way to deal with ADHD is to get to the heart of the problem. ADHD in children is caused in the brain and therefore the solution needs to focus on the brain as well. Maxi Mind Brain Training™ capitalizes on the new science of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change itself, in order to effectively address the root causes of ADHD.
ADHD behaviours have been traced to signature brain states: Underdevelopment of the frontal lobe and cerebellum, poor connectivity between regions, and a brain wave imbalance. Maxi Mind Brain activities are designed to develop those missing connections and re-balance the brain’s energy.
And as far as the kids are concerned, the best part is… it’s fun!
Learn more about Brain Training and how Maxi Mind uses it to effectively help children with ADHD.
If you would like to read the full article you can visit Stats Canada.
Have personal questions about ADHD? Get a free assessment today and discover how our program can help ADHD children.