Fads, Fallacies and Half-Truths Circulating Online
When a parent thinks that there may be something wrong with their child, they get really nervous. A deep uncomfortable feeling that sits in our gut and won’t go away. We all love our children and only want the best for them, but when they are sick or hurt we sometimes feel helpless.
Useful information about autism
In an effort to solve the issue and help our child we will seek out any source of information that may be useful. Speaking with medical professionals, family, friends, and whoever else knows anything about the topic. Eventually, we all go to the place that has the most information – the internet, where we can access anything we want at the click of a button.
Causes and symptoms of autism
Just typing a simple search on what causes autism provides interesting results. There are websites and blogs with all sorts of claims about the causes, symptoms, and even cures of autism.
“Proven” causes run the gamut from parenting to pesticides, genetics to gluten, and viruses to vaccines. Even stress and cell phones have been implicated.
In a state of vulnerability that is love leaning on desperation, we tend to jump on any or all of this information without much thought, because after all who are we to know? Sometimes doctors get it wrong and blogs get it right so do we have the right to ignore the bloggers when our own child’s future is at stake?
The unfortunate result is we can turn our lives upside down and still not address our child’s autistic symptoms to any significant degree.
Before making a change, you must first look at the source and the motivation behind the information. If they are trying to sell you something, make promises that seem to be too good to be true, or the information can only be found from one website and no others, then you should think twice before taking action on this information.
The Truth About Autism
Autism is very complex and there is still a lot that is unknown. The symptoms and severity often vary and because of this it is possible that the causes vary as well. Scientists believe that genetics does play a factor, but to what degree, and how to prevent it is still to be discovered. It is also believed by scientists that autism and other Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome and PDD-NOS, are caused by poor connectivity within and between major brain structures. This is why many of the most effective therapies for autism are based on improving the brains connectivity, the science of neuroplasticity.
Before Maxi Mind Learning offered its services to the public, helping children with autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions, we spent years in research and development and our efforts paid off. Our clients are happy with the results and leading paediatricians and other autism experts refer their clients to us.
One of the techniques our accredited therapists use is the Integrated Listening System (iLs), a movement and music protocol with top doctors and decades of development behind it. Today there are over 7500 practitioners in 35 countries and the results for autism are outstanding.
To find out more, visit our Autism Treatment Page to see how children with autism can improve in all their core symptoms without any medication.
Have personal questions about Autism? Get a free consultation today and discover how our program can help.
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